
Travel Illustration. Mexico.

Wherever I go I take my little travel watercolour set and a pad - in hopes that I’d get a moment and sketch. Sometimes it happens, most of time it doesn’t, but I still pack some paper and paint no matter how small my luggage is. Summer in London seems to be playing games with us again, so I’ll turn back to a very hot place with the most vibrant colours that I visited in the very start of 2020 - Mexico.

Just before the pandemic stoke, we got invited to celebrate our friends’ wedding in Merida, Mexico. It was our first time time in America, first transatlantic flight and first transition from winter to summer, from London greyness and dullness of February to tropical colours, flowers and sounds.

I was doing little sketches on location and in the hotel and later, at home put it all together in a Yucatan poster, featuring the places we’ve visited and things we saw (except the turtles, it was too windy for the boat on our last day and we had to skip that).

I admire the embroidered traditional clothes that people were wearing on the everyday basis. It reminded me the Ukrainian tradition of embroidery that is very important for nation’s identity too. I also like the upgraded Volkswagen Beetles everywhere carrying everything, from fruit and chickens to the whole garden.

You can order prints of Mexico - please email me if you are interested.